Designed by Aedas, China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group, and Shenzhen Urban Transportation Planning Center Consortium, the winning scheme of Qingshuihe Comprehensive Transportation Hub in Luohu, Shenzhen is an impressive Transit-Oriented Development with high degree of station-city integration. It will become a major transportation hub in Shenzhen with 4 urban rails, 1 intercity line, 1 high-speed rail line and various ground transportation. Click to view the animationLand Status and Limitations作为深圳最早的城区,罗湖经历了新城开发与旧城改造,清水河片区正是其最后的可开发用地,也是其发展“新罗湖”的重要助力。清水河三面环山,过去曾是深圳二线关的重要关口,也因此造就了其与市区割裂的孤岛现状。片区周边人工智能产业板块丰富,有着成熟的生活配套设施与产业发展,同时1条高铁线、1条城际线、4条城市轨道及多种地面交通在此交汇,交通优势使其成为了罗湖向北发展、深圳城市东拓的核心支点。As the last developable land in Luohu, one of the earliest urban area in Shenzehn, Qingshuihe was once the border of the Special Economic Zone, and has subsequently lagged in growth in terms of the city’s innovative and technology industries. Located at the nexus of multiple strategic links of the region and surrounded by mature supporting facilities, the area possesses favorable conditions for development. Seizing on these potentials, it is designed to transform Luohu’s modern industries. 而优越的交通资源也带来了客流疏散换乘的极大压力,加上历史遗留下的片区分隔严重,以及扩容已达极限的地面道路压力。如何平衡枢纽、开发以及过境交通间的复杂关系,在不给城市整体交通系统增加负担的情况下,兼顾换乘旅客与市民的不同需求,提供便捷高效的出行体验,以枢纽服务城市,是设计亟待解决的难题。The design draws inspiration from the natural environment of the area, integrating nature and water elements into the high-density city, to build a unique emblem for Qingshuihe. Qingshuihe High Speed Railway StationVisible Underground High-Speed Rail Station“清水河高铁站位于地下,为了避免枢纽与城市分离割裂,我们为它打造了独特的城市展示面,以看得见的地下高铁,消弭城市与站点间的距离。” Aedas执行董事梁志华如是说。Executive Director of Aedas Leon Liang said, “to avoid divorcing the hub from the city, we have created a unique urban display surface." 设计从片区自然环境中汲取灵感,将自然与水融入高密度的城市,构建清水河独特的片区名片。建筑轮廓抽象提炼了清水河河流元素,蜿蜒的曲线轮廓贯穿城市枢纽,犹如游船驶过留下的涟漪,让藏于地下的高铁站形成独特的城市展示界面。枢纽核心向外分布的公共节点,仿佛围绕在涟漪旁随波飘荡的浮萍,隐喻着清水河枢纽站城融合的亲密关系,以交织渗透的自然生长变化,构筑出山水相容的枢纽城。The meandering architectural outline, extracted from the elements of the Qingshuihe river nearby, runs through the urban hub like ripples in the wake of a cruise ship passing. The public nodes distributed outwards from the core are conveyed with duckweed floating around the ripples, intimating the close relationship between the Qingshuihe hub station and city. Public nodes shaped like duckweed大面积玻璃天窗将阳光引入室内,打开的下沉广场与室外公共平台,模糊了建筑与自然的物理界限,让乘客在候车换乘之余,可以在天光云影与城市服务的公共空间中悠然漫步,实现城市与车站间的零距离接触。The station is equipped with daylighting atriums, which directly guide passengers to the exit hall or waiting hall through natural light. The opened sunken plaza and outdoor public platform not only allow passengers to relax in the public space while waiting for bus transfer, they also blur the physical boundary between architecture and nature. 通高的中庭设计,将自然光与城市的繁华风景带入候车厅内,让乘客无论是到达或离开,都能时刻觉察自己身在深圳。同时阳光也成为了天然指引,协助乘客在地下轻松找到方位,提高站内流转效率。阶梯式的标高自然呼应场地高差,一直延伸至银湖山脉,形成清水河枢纽独特的形象。The design merges station-city road, rail traffic, and compound space to render seamless connection between urban and traffic functions. Deeply integrated Station-City Integration“这不仅仅是一个高铁站的构建,而是一次城市更新下的片区复兴。我们希望将清水河打造成为站城高度融合的超级枢纽城,基于TOD的开发模式,协调站城交通,将整个核心片区都纳入清水河枢纽的慢行网络中,推动站城空间多维融合,实现城市空间与枢纽建筑功能间的协调促进。”梁志华从站城道路、轨道交通、复合空间三个层面的一体化设计,多维度实现城市功能与交通功能的无缝衔接。"This is not just the construction of a high-speed rail station, but an urban district renewal. We hope to build Qingshuihe into a super hub city with a high degree of integration. The core areas are integrated into the slow traffic network of the Qingshuihe Hub to realize the coordination of the urban and the hub functions," Liang expounded. Reconstructing the Road Network清水河片区被山地、道路、铁路阻隔形成了城市孤岛,更是南北交通瓶颈阻碍所在,它的发展首先需要打通场地与周边的交通阻隔。团队基于“快速集散” “多向衔接” “过境分离”的三大策略,通过地下道路疏导过境、高铁接驳交通与高快速路衔接的方式,重构路网,以匹配片区发展及交通需求。To liberate an area once isolated by mountains, roads, and railways, the design restructures the traffic network through promoting high-speed intercity functions, convenient connection with urban rail and expressway. 设计打通周边道路,实现东西南北四面地面交通的有机连接,解决片区孤岛的交通现状。借由道路的顺畅连接,将南北两侧的居住配套资源转化成为支撑清水河产城发展的生活需求。
The design uses the atrium as index structure, setting the high-speed rail and intercity platforms below, connecting the automobile traffic on its West, and concentrating the subway arrangement on the east. It integrates the transportation hub and the urban green axis to form an H-shaped moving line.
Open the surrounding roads为平衡枢纽交通、开发交通与过境交通的关系,设计打破传统高铁站南北广场集散布局,将国铁居中,东侧衔接地铁,西侧集约设置汽车交通接驳站场,实现其与外围快速道路的无缝衔接,形成明确的动线导向。枢纽的快进快出及进出站及通勤车流的有效分离,避免了对城市开发交通及过境交通的干扰,同时为城市开发预留出更多地面空间。The main challenge in the design process hinges on balancing the dynamic between developments and the crisscrossing traffic network, to the effect of providing a nuanced and efficient travel experience.清水河枢纽集国家铁路、城际铁路、城市轨道以及各类接驳设施为一体,设计基于“量大距近”的原则,以中庭引导组织,下方为高铁及城际月台,西侧连通汽车交通接驳站场,东侧集中布局地铁,将交通枢纽与城市绿轴整合形成H形动线,通过换乘客流与集散客群通过地下空间分层疏导,紧凑布局,使站内完全实现单向引导,最大化减少换乘时间,提升换乘效率,以地下的高效组织,为城市空间与地上开发留出空间。The design adopts inbound and outbound stratification, in which the first underground floor is the exit floor, and the second underground floor is the distribution layer. The inbound and outbound pedestrian flow is separated to avoid the crossing of moving lines.
Super Hub City
设计采用进出站分层的形式,地下一层为出站层,地下二层为枢纽集散层,分离进出人流,避免动线交叉,同时为进站等候预留出充足的灵活可变空间,避免出站厅阻碍进站面的可能。从地面及地下一层、城市车辆交通以及地铁的人流汇聚于地下二层,可以在此自由换乘T1线、地铁、国铁间,集中入站,避免客流在多层入站导致人流交叉,大大提高进站效率。Via ground and B1 level, urban vehicle traffic and subways converge on B2 level, where it is possible to freely transfer to subways, and national railways. This synchronicity of station entry foreclose the intersection of passenger flow at multiple floors. 高铁与地铁间的人流转换是枢纽最主要的一支人流,设计将转换层设置在地下三层,紧挨位于地下四层的高铁及城际月台,以紧密的同层连接降低换乘时间,同时合理规划路线,减少换乘距离,地下三层至多步行50米即可完成换乘流线。其中,设计通过软隔断与扶梯位置的设置,分离了国铁换乘地铁25号线与14、17号线的流线,确保了城市轨道间换乘与国铁疏站效率的双重保障。The circulation between the high-speed rail and the subway is a pivotal consideration. Other than the installment of soft partitions and escalators, the design reasonably allocate the subway with the largest transfer scale near the hub on B3 to maximise transfer efficiency.High-speed rail inter-city circulationHigh-speed rail and subway transfer circulation而地下四层的高铁与城际交通,以软隔断分离管理代替站台屏障,既可实现站台的互通,也为未来城际与高铁票制统一预留出了弹性发展可能。此外,团队与上盖地块业主充分沟通协调,同步考量未来上盖开发,为其预留结构发展可能。Diversified Underground Space Integration为优化慢行空间,激活并服务片区发展,设计以枢纽为核心,通过高架、地面、地下的全天候立体动线,将地上地下空间一体化,无缝对接片区各业态功能与产业设施,构建出“一核四带”的超级枢纽城。设计将地面机动车道路宽度适当压缩,并利用建筑退线,拓宽地面慢行空间,设置自行车主廊道,满足市民的多种出行需求。同时规划高架廊道,形成向西连接银湖山郊野公园、向东连接布吉河黄金水道和草埔站的空中慢行系统。By redirecting the passenger flow through the layered underground segmenting, the compact layout minimises transfer time and improves efficiency. With efficient underground organization, space is reserved for urban space and above-ground development. Three-dimensional corridorAbove and underground slow-moving system面对位于地下的各轨道交通,设计充分利用这一特质,将与地下的轨道交通设施距离最近的地下一层作为城市连接框架。在轨道站点之间,通过“U”型室内步行街道结合放射式次通道,构建24小时全天候城市通廊,高效直达各个枢纽的同时,串联多个特色空间节点。大规模下沉设计搭配一系列出入口,形成地上及地下街区的交叉口,提高效率与可达性,将不同业态空间紧密联结,构建上下贯通的城市休闲空间。Through the three-dimensional slow-moving system that ties the underground station buildings, B1, urban public space on ground level to corridors and commercial development above-ground, the Qingshuihe Hub elevates the idea of integrated, coordinated design.B1 serves as the urban connection framework地下紧凑的枢纽换乘释放出大量的地上空间,设计将其多维度整合开发,形成以枢纽为中心的“一核四带”高度融合站城空间。沿高铁站东西向布局科技展览馆、交互式试验商业等场所,构建“产-城-站融合综合开发带”;东侧地铁上盖打造成为集甲级写字楼、顶级购物中心、五星级酒店及顶级公寓于一体的综合活力街道;西侧为多元文化轴,为市民提供丰富的休闲功能;同时利用现有河道景观,结合曲线动线造就的城市绿谷,串联起各个方位的绿色景观节点,形成城市轨道绿轴公园。"In the future, the Qingshuihe Hub will not only be an urban transportation node, but a salient super hub city that buttresses science and technology platforms." said Chris Chen, Aedas Executive Director.“未来,清水河枢纽将不只是城市交通的一个节点,而是与城市高度融合一体、支撑科创平台的重要基础超级枢纽城。” Aedas执行董事陈川如是说。The underground compact hub releases large acre of above-ground space on which a highly integrated station-city space can be cultivated. Urban terraces, together with grade-A offices, five-star hotels, first-rate apartments, science and technology exhibition halls, and other functions, form the core area of the hub.A vibrant street above the subway产-城-站融合综合开发带
Industry-city-station integrated development belt
总体规划设计:Aedas、中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司、深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司联合体Aedas主要设计人:梁志华,执行董事;陈川,执行董事Location: Shenzhen, ChinaMasterplanning: Joint Venture between Aedas, China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group, and Shenzhen Urban Transportation Planning Center Client: Shenzhen Expressway Engineering Consultant Limited CompanyCompletion Year of the Hub:2025Design Directors: Leon Liang, Executive Director; Chris Chen, Executive Director